About Us
A collaborative of agencies, as proud partners of the American Job Center Network, is working to secure a brighter future for individuals and the region.
This team is focusing on exposing job seekers to industries and sectors that they may not have initially considered, but that offer great opportunities in the Northwest. The agencies are connecting people with jobs and careers through suitable training and education programs that better prepare candidates to enter, re-engage or change gears in the workforce.
The current focus for this project includes four sectors: Construction, Health Care, Manufacturing and Technology. Each collaborative member has contributed to the development of the information and tools you will find on this website.
Collaborative members include Worksystems, Clackamas Workforce Partnership, and Workforce Southwest Washington.
Learn more about each organization here:
Clackamas Workforce Partnership
Clackamas Workforce Partnership is a nonprofit organization that serves as an advocate for workforce development within Clackamas County and the State of Oregon. Our mission is to address critical workforce, educational, and training challenges, and develop a skilled workforce that meets the needs of businesses and strengthens the local economy of Clackamas County. Learn more at www.clackamasworkforce.org.
Workforce Southwest Washington
Workforce Southwest Washington (WSW), a nonprofit organization, funds community prosperity by investing in services that help individuals gain skills to obtain good-paying jobs or advance in their careers and help companies recruit, train and retain workers. Our investments strengthen the region’s businesses and contribute to a strong economy. Since 2003, we’ve invested more than $100 million in Southwest Washington. WSW is the Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) designated by federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) legislation to oversee the public workforce system in Cowlitz, Wahkiakum and Clark counties. Learn more at www.workforcesw.org.
Worksystems is a non-profit agency that accelerates economic growth in the City of Portland, Multnomah and Washington counties by pursuing and investing resources to improve the quality of the workforce. We design and coordinate workforce development programs and services delivered through a network of local partners to help people get the skills, training and education they need to go to work or to advance in their careers. Our partners include employers, labor groups, government, community colleges, high schools, community-based and economic development organizations. For more information, visit www.worksystems.org.